Monday, October 13, 2008

Victory over porn and adultry


The video you just watched was a true story of a couple who has overcome the addiction of pornography and adultery. The main reason I am writing this blog is in the hopes that others will read it and be inspired to make changes in their lives and marriages. Its unbelievable how many marriages are in trouble these days? I can think of about 6 couples I know personally and through acquaintances that are in serious trouble. Friends that’s a very high percentage. What blows my mind even more is adding up all the divorces just in your own family. I can count 6 divorces just between my parents and siblings. Brothers and Sisters the sad fact is that this is the norm and not the exception. Friends as I have stated in earlier blogs “The Family is under attack” and one of the biggest threats (and tools of the enemy) is pornography and lust. They go hand in hand, and with the technology we have today it’s so easy to acquire. All you have to do is turn on the TV and get in on demand. It’s even easier on the internet. Pornography is a serious addiction and as the husband on this video stated it’s even harder to overcome than smoking and drinking.

Friends as you can tell by some of my other blogs I have not been a very good husband for the last couple of years. And after years of being controlled by lust and other sins of the flesh I have turned my life over to Jesus. Trust me you will not win this battle unless you give your life to Christ. Friends Jesus will restore you lives and marriages. I have seen him work in my life and the lives of many others. He will rebuild your broken lives and make your family even stronger. Friends if you are struggling with this addiction or are affected by this and want to save your family and you marriage you have to trust our Lord and Savior. He will give you the strength to weather this storm and come out stronger. Jesus is on your side. He loves to see families healed and restored. Now some of your friends and family members may not agree with you when you try to save your marriage and forgive your spouse, but if they really loved you and had Jesus in their hearts they would stand by your side and celebrate your victory. Friends FIGHT FOR YOUR FAMILY! Here are some suggestions to help

Pray for your spouse and for yourself ( or couples you know that are in trouble)

Ask Jesus to come into your life (try to emulate Christ, ask your self is this something Jesus would do?)

Seek professional counseling! ( Pastor, Family Counselor, Rabbi)

Read your BIBLE! Proverbs 31 “Song of Songs” great stuff!

Read Christian books on marriage, families and addictions

Don’t give up P.U.S.H Pray Until Something Happens

Watch good movies like “Fireproof”

Don’t listen to non-Christians and people who live in the world ( ask yourself are they living for Jesus)

Learn from other people’s mistakes and victories. She how Christ has changed them

Father God,
Thank you for the many blessings you have given me and my family, thank you for rescuing me from a life of lust, sin and self destruction. Father thank you for restoring my family and my heart, Father thank you for giving me my brother and my brothers in Christ to help me find my way back to you, Father please help all the families out there that are hurting and need you, Father give them hope and strength to make it through these troubled times, Father give them the Grace, the love, the forgiveness you have given me, Father help those who are struggling with lust and pornography, give them the strength to fight this addiction, Father we know that when we give our lives to you that will give us the Victory! Father it’s in your Holy name we pray…Amen

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